Every Monday, Living Lutheran offers a week’s worth of prayers from the ELCA resource Prayer Ventures, which can be downloaded here. These petitions – one for each day this week – are offered as a guide for your own prayer life as together we pray for the needs of the world and give thanks for the ministries of our church.

Monday, Feb. 22: Krystle Moraska-Madrussan and Ignacio Madrussan serve as coordinators for young adults serving in Argentina and Uruguay. We pray for their support and their work with the Young Adults in Global Mission program.

Tuesday, Feb. 23: We remember in our daily prayers our best and worst human qualities and offer ourselves as we are to God – in need of and grateful for God’s undeserved love and forgiveness.

Wednesday, Feb. 24: Ten young adults are serving in health care, children’s ministry, outreach, community development and elder care in South Africa as Young Adults in Global Mission. We ask God to daily bless and encourage their service.

Thursday, Feb. 25: We give thanks for the women of the Deaconess Community who use their diverse gifts and training to serve in a variety of community and church contexts in response to God’s call and the needs of the world.

Friday, Feb. 26: Throughout Lent, we pray the Holy Spirit will move us from self-absorption to attentiveness to the world around us, from being self-serving to serving our neighbor without expectation of reward or recognition.

Saturday, Feb. 27: Though we live in a culture of abundant options, flexibility and self-gratification, we ask God for the strength and discipline to be obedient to God’s Word and faithful in following Jesus.

Sunday, Feb. 28: We remember in our prayers the faithful work of pastors Kirsten Fryer and Michael Parker, ELCA missionaries serving in parish ministry and theological education in Egypt.

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