Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton continues the conversation on racism in the United States with a webcast this Wednesday (May 25) from 7 to 8 p.m. (CDT). Eaton and others joining her for the webcast will look at how congregations can be places of inclusivity and welcome for community members, addressing these questions:

• Do the people in our pews reflect the people in our neighborhoods? How do we take steps to invite and welcome our neighbors?
• How can our congregations reflect the makeup of their communities?
• How can we, as the body of Christ, be present within our communities and invitational to our neighbors?
• How can we engage with and advocate for vulnerable populations in our communities?

Joining Eaton for the conversation are Ruben Duran, director for new congregations, and Matt Stuhlmuller, a pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Park Ridge. Mikka McCracken, director for planning and engagement of World Hunger, will serve as moderator.

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