
Where is your patriotism?

I received the Living Lutheran on May 6. The summer days are soon here. The issue said nothing about Memorial Day, Independence or Veterans Day. Is it against the policy of the Lutherans to mention these days? If it is the policy of the Lutheran Church not to mention these holidays please cancel my subscription. […]

A letter on ‘Letters’

It looks as if [Living Lutheran] has an interesting range of news and articles to continue the excellent editorial tradition. Thanks. I say “looks as if” because I found much of it almost unreadable. I hope the extremely light colored font on the “Letters” page (April, page 6) was a printer mistake. The Rev. Ann […]

Good poetry

Congratulations on the new look and name. A while back, I was chagrined to find out that [the magazine] does not publish poetry. I hope Living Lutheran will change that policy. I noticed that “Reflection” (April, page 20) by the Rev. Kwame Pitts bears a striking resemblance to poetry, and very good poetry at that. […]

‘Living Lutheran’

I am enjoying this new format of Living Lutheran. Just the title speaks to what we formerly spoke of in the church as “ministry in daily living.” We are not just Lutheran, we live Lutheran within our baptismal covenant and call. Thank you. And thank you, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, for the sound and faithful […]

Prayer for law enforcers

I feel I must respond to a letter “Seeking clarity” (March issue of Living Lutheran, page 49). First, I must explain that I am white, male and a law enforcement officer for nearly 44 years. Ms. Marilyn Melvin most likely sums up what most in the ELCA believe: “’I don’t understand why white police officers […]

All are welcome

Perpetuating a myth

“All are Welcome” (March issue of Living Lutheran, page 14) are my least favorite words we use, because all are never welcome. A gay couple holding hands would not be welcome in most churches. A transgender woman would not be welcome to use the restrooms. A crossdressing man or a woman who smells of perfume […]

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

Thank you, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, for your reflections on Holy Saturday (March issue of Living Lutheran, page 50). Six years ago, I buried my son on Holy Saturday. He had taken his life in January, shattering my life and those of others who knew him. We never saw it coming. He died on […]

Something to think about

When the new issue of The Lutheran (now Living Lutheran) magazine arrives, the first article I read is “A lexicon of faith” by Peter Marty. It always gives me something to think about. I will miss this devotion. I wish him God’s guidance as publisher of The Christian Century. Lillian Lagger Oregon, Ohio  


Kudos for the “Faces” (February issue of Living Lutheran, page 43) article on my brother, the Rev. Luther Kistler. One more exceptional “Our Father” mission of his as part of the ELCA Florida-Bahamas Synod relief work in Haiti, where he helped deliver piglets. While there, he met with several Haitian Lutheran pastors, discovered no central […]

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