Consider celebrating Earth Day Sunday with your community on or around Earth Day, Friday, April 22. The Lutheran tradition as well as the Bible are full of language and theology for celebrating and caring for God’s creation. Yet sometimes, in the rhythm of the liturgical year, it can be challenging to find a specific time to focus as a church community on the theme of creation. Earth Day Sunday provides just such an opportunity.

Since 1970, communities have taken one day each year to be especially mindful of the earth and its many gifts. Each year, Creation Justice Ministries focuses on liturgical resources as well as Christian education material around a particular environmental theme. The Earth Day Sunday resource also highlights a number of ways individuals and congregations can celebrate and protect God’s creation. These ideas and resources can inspire further thoughts, conversations and actions in answering God’s call to be faithful stewards of creation.

Congregations are encouraged to celebrate Earth Day Sunday either the Sunday before or the Sunday after Earth Day. The theme for 2016 is “Care for God’s Creatures.” You can also access previous years’ materials on the Creation Justice Ministries website.

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