“Nobody gets out alive,” the old quip goes. And like many wisecracks, it expresses well an underlying truth: All of us are born, all of us live and all of us die. Does that sound bleak? Put another way, we see hope and possibility: We come from God, we live in God and we go back to God. It’s a common destination of humanity. Why, then, is death so scary and the dying avoided? Many Christians are working to recapture the sacredness, the promise and the deep spirituality that can accompany our death and those of our loved ones.

Download a study guide for “It’s all about death—and life,” which appeared in Living Lutheran‘s February 2018 issue. The five-page guide includes discussion questions and a copy of the article.

Robert C. Blezard
Robert C. Blezard is pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, Md., and editor of Living Lutheran's study guides. Previously he served as an assistant to the bishop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod.

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