God came and dwelled among us, Emmanuel, incarnated as Jesus for the salvation of all of humanity in all our wonderful diversity. Though all humans may lay claim to Jesus as their “brother” and savior, he came into the world with a specific identity as a Jewish man from Palestine. Depicting Jesus as a white European is not merely inaccurate, it may subtly reinforce racism by implying that white culture is superior to others.

Download a study guide for “Perspective: Jesus was a Palestinian Jew—not white,” which appeared in Living Lutheran‘s April 2021 issue. The guide includes four pages of discussion questions and a copy of the article.

Robert C. Blezard
Robert C. Blezard is pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, Md., and editor of Living Lutheran's study guides. Previously he served as an assistant to the bishop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod.

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