Martin Luther believed in questions. If he had not questioned the prevailing theology of salvation back in the 16th century, we might be worshiping in a very different kind of church today. Moreover, questions are woven throughout his beloved Small Catechism. “What is this?” “What is baptism?” Are we, however, hesitant to ask big questions of our faith, our Bible, our church and ourselves? If so, what can we do about it?

Download a study guide for “Freed to ask difficult questions: How do we ask—and answer—the big questions?” from Living Lutheran‘s April 2022 issue. The free download includes five pages of study questions and a copy of the article.

Robert C. Blezard
Robert C. Blezard is pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, Md., and editor of Living Lutheran's study guides. Previously he served as an assistant to the bishop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod.

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