1517 Media was recently awarded $1.25 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. This grant will support the development of a new multi-year program, Unbridled Presence.

“We are beyond thrilled that Lilly Endowment is supporting our efforts to develop an array of resources that will deepen the faith life of children, their families, and their congregations,” said Dawn Rundman, program director for the grant. Rundman currently serves as director of faith formation resource development at 1517 Media. “With this funding, we can develop resources to connect with ELCA congregations in new and vital ways. We look forward to supporting kids, families, and church leaders in the coming years as we help congregations welcome the unbridled presence of children in worship.”

1517 Media received a planning grant in late 2022 and engaged in qualitative research with nearly 100 ELCA congregational leaders. The newly awarded implementation grant will fund development of three types of resources: resources for children and families, resources for congregational education, and a collection of new worship music for children.

1517 Media is the publishing house of the ELCA. Its Augsburg Fortress imprint currently publishes a wide array of resources that enliven worship and music in the ELCA.

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