Holy Saturday

March 2016

Holy Saturday

Thank you, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, for your reflections on Holy Saturday (March issue of Living Lutheran, page 50). Six years ago, I buried my son on Holy Saturday. He had taken his life in January, shattering my life and those of others who knew him. We never saw it coming. He died on the first day of a series of east coast snowstorms that lasted for weeks. We decided to bury him on Holy Saturday. We chose to have him cremated. His birthday was Easter that year, and Holy Saturday seemed a good day to say goodbye. And, the weather would be better by then, so more people could come. As I read your reflections, it reminded me of how special that day is, not just an empty day between Good Friday and Easter. It is more a day to stop and think about the good news to come, even in the midst of tragedy.
Janice Hall
Roanoake, Va.

Editor's response:

Thanks for your letter and for sharing the story of your son’s death with us. We are grateful that the presiding bishop’s message was of comfort to you. May you continue to experience hope and God’s unconditional love this Easter season.

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